Monday 9 November 2015

The Devastating Effects of Impotency On Men And Their Partners

Every health condition has psychological effects on individuals but nothing carries more weight than conditions of a more personal nature.

Effects of Impotency On Men
Effects of Impotency On Men
Take for instance impotency, otherwise referred to as erectile dysfunction. It strikes at the very core of manhood and has the ability not only to wreck the confidence of a man, but also their relationships. It’s easy to think that a man isn’t affected by this condition, as they do their best to mask their feelings.

The man

Some of the most common feelings a man suffering from ED will have include shame, wounded pride, loss of confidence and guilt. These are particularly strong after an unexpected episode of erectile dysfunction. In an effort to mask these feelings, they can manifest in different ways including aggression towards their partners.
Men are likely to develop a fear of recurring intimacy in case another episode of erectile dysfunction occurs. They also shy away from contact of any kind with their partners, especially that which may lead to a sexual outcome. All this arises from a fear that they may never satisfy their partners sexually and that they are unable to maintain an erection. If unchecked, impotency may lead to depression as men will constantly grief for a normal sex life.
Of course, the effects of impotency will vary from one man to another. The point is that impotency is confusing for every man and without proper reassurance of treatment; the effects can be devastating for them.

The partner

Of course, impotency doesn’t just affect men. It also has devastating effects on their partners. For starters, men suffering from erectile dysfunction may blame their condition on their partners. Reasons that they may give for their impotence include weight gain and unattractiveness. While this may be heartbreaking for partners, it’s nothing more than a defense mechanism. Even when not blamed, partners may think that it is indeed their fault.
This coupled with the sense of rejection can lead to trauma for partners. Generally, partners with greater self-esteem will find it easier to deal with impotence. It’s however important to understand that being in a relationship with a man suffering from ED is never easy for partners; and striking a balance between placing a lot of importance on the issue and encouraging discussion can be delicate.
In some cases, impotency is an indication of the state of a relationship. If this is the case, couples should consider therapy. Effective tackling of impotence requires getting to the root of the problem. If you are suffering from Impotency call Moorgate Aesthetics on 03300 244 858

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