Monday 19 October 2015

How to tell your partner you want Penis enlargement surgery

There is one question that crops up every time, no matter what the penis size. The question is how to tell the partner that they want to go ahead with penis enlargement surgery.

tell your partner you want Penis enlargement surgery
How to tell your partner you want Penis enlargement surgery

In our clinic we see a lot of guys who want to enlarge their penis. Some have a perfectly normal size penis to start with, others have what could only be described as a tiny penis.

It may be surprising but many men come for consultation and they have yet to mention anything to their partner. They have not even discussed their issues of a small penis with them. This is usually because they cannot face bringing up the subject at all.
So, the first port of call is a penis enlargement clinic. When the consultation with the surgeon has been done and the Patient is fired up to have the surgery, the dreaded question still remains “ How am I going to tell her ?”
Believe it or not, we have Patients who decide that they are not going to tell their partner at all until after the surgery. Personally, I think this is a very risky strategy. After all, it’s not something you are going to be able to hide for too long. For a start, you cannot have sexual intercourse for six weeks and that may be tough to keep under wraps for that long.
A frank conversation has to be on the menu, Ideally, no later than just after the consultation with the surgeon. Any later and you could find yourself with some serious explaining to do.
It’s not just single men that have penis enlargement surgery, we see lots of married men too. Thank fully in most cases the partner is very supportive of their decision to go ahead with surgery, but not always. There are cases where the Partner insists that there is nothing wrong about the penis size and others are positively angry at the mere thought of their loved one wanting to make it bigger. This perhaps stems from a position of mistrust. “ why would he want to make it bigger if I am not complaining? “
The truth of course is that in most cases the man has had a hang up about his penis size way before they found their life partner. Even after blissful marriage the problem does not go away. Even guys need a self confidence boost now and then. And that’s what this is all about. Almost all men who come for penis enlargement surgery do so to boost their self confidence. In many cases the decision to have surgery is not entirely sexually driven.
For example, some say that it’s the changing room syndrome where their mates are walking around clearly packing much more than they are. In these cases men avoid socialising for fear of ridicule.
Even worse perhaps is a throw away comment from a previous sexual partner that they are on the small side. Be careful ladies because if you make this comment , even in jest, it will stick in his mind for a very long time.
Guys who are thinking of having penis enlargement surgery should discuss it with their partner well ahead of the surgery date. From our experience on the whole they will get a sympathetic ear. As for the single guy, well that’s another story.

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