Friday 20 November 2015

Baldness and Small Penis: Every Man’s Worst Fear

It’s no big surprise that confidence is a big deal when it comes to relationships and dating. It is after all sexy.

Bald and Small penis
Bald and Small penis

The only problem is that gaining confidence and maintaining it throughout a relationship is hard particularly for men. It is no wonder the confidence-boosting industry is booming nowadays. But for all those times when people wrestle with sex issues, there are certain areas where men are especially vulnerable.

Men are more sensitive that the world gives them credit for. Even with the numerous proclamations about how men don’t worry about the same things as women, their egos are surprisingly frail. We can endure the trash-talking and insults that are part and parcel of male friendships, there are certain aspects that are off-limits. Take for instance the issues of baldness and penis size. Both of these bother men to an extent where their self-esteem is trashed.
The level of importance that men put on hair and the issue of baldness would surprise many women. Men consider their hair as one of the most visible signs of their masculinity and potency. That means that should they start losing hair and becoming bald, some take it as proof of God’s hate or something worse. A man with a receding hairline or bald head is often viewed as one whose youth has already passed him by. Such a man is viewed as whose best years have passed and whose only option to disguise his looks with medication, props and gimmicks. The image of a man with a bald head is one of impotence and comedy as he tries to come up with the best arrangement of the little hair left on their heads. The main cause of baldness is not known but it’s widely believed to be a combination of hormone levels and genetics in men. For men with this problem, oral medications such as finasteride or minoxidil or hair transplants are credible options.
Small penis
The size of a man’s penis is the number one source for any man’s fears and insecurities. The main reason behind this is that penis size is often associated with sexual desirability and virility. Anyone with a small penis is considered not ‘manly’ enough. And while the size of a man’s penis is subject to the same whims as pop culture and fashion, there are ways to compensate for the lack of volume. Men should understand that increased girth is far more important than the length of an erect penis. Penis enlargement surgerycan increase both the length and thickness of a small penis. There are non surgical penis enlargementoptions available now too for the fainthearted.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Can Sex Ever Be Good With A Tiny Penis?

While the size of a penis is often considered a main determinant of how good or bad sex is, it certainly possible that sex with a tiny penis it could be good.

Sex with small penis
Sex with small penis
As the saying goes, it’s not the size of the instrument that matter; it’s how you use the instrument. The trick lies in getting creative, being confident and experimenting with different sex positions. The size of your man’s penis shouldn’t keep you from having mind-blowing sex and enjoying it every time. However , if the size is just not doing it for you , then penis enlargement surgery could be the answer.
Most men who have a tiny penis are distraught, frankly. Whats  more, it only takes a one throw away comment from a partner to make this a really big issue.
We see lots of men in clinic who tell us that a previous sexual partner commented on their size. Planting such a comment in the mind of a guy is a very dangerous thing for a partner to do. In some cases of course the penis is small. In other cases the penis maybe technically of normal size, but what if she is used to bigger ?
In clinic we have to be sure that guys have thought through penis enlargement surgery well. Thankfully most men have any they have usually done their research very well by the time they reach our clinic doors.
Of course it has to be said that sex with a tiny penis is perfectly possible. The most important thing is the commitment and feelings between two people. If the love and desire is there most partners will forgive just about anything
For those that wont, there is always the penis enlargement surgery option. Also, there are non surgical penis enlargement options that can give instant thickness without the downtime of surgery

Monday 9 November 2015

The Devastating Effects of Impotency On Men And Their Partners

Every health condition has psychological effects on individuals but nothing carries more weight than conditions of a more personal nature.

Effects of Impotency On Men
Effects of Impotency On Men
Take for instance impotency, otherwise referred to as erectile dysfunction. It strikes at the very core of manhood and has the ability not only to wreck the confidence of a man, but also their relationships. It’s easy to think that a man isn’t affected by this condition, as they do their best to mask their feelings.

The man

Some of the most common feelings a man suffering from ED will have include shame, wounded pride, loss of confidence and guilt. These are particularly strong after an unexpected episode of erectile dysfunction. In an effort to mask these feelings, they can manifest in different ways including aggression towards their partners.
Men are likely to develop a fear of recurring intimacy in case another episode of erectile dysfunction occurs. They also shy away from contact of any kind with their partners, especially that which may lead to a sexual outcome. All this arises from a fear that they may never satisfy their partners sexually and that they are unable to maintain an erection. If unchecked, impotency may lead to depression as men will constantly grief for a normal sex life.
Of course, the effects of impotency will vary from one man to another. The point is that impotency is confusing for every man and without proper reassurance of treatment; the effects can be devastating for them.

The partner

Of course, impotency doesn’t just affect men. It also has devastating effects on their partners. For starters, men suffering from erectile dysfunction may blame their condition on their partners. Reasons that they may give for their impotence include weight gain and unattractiveness. While this may be heartbreaking for partners, it’s nothing more than a defense mechanism. Even when not blamed, partners may think that it is indeed their fault.
This coupled with the sense of rejection can lead to trauma for partners. Generally, partners with greater self-esteem will find it easier to deal with impotence. It’s however important to understand that being in a relationship with a man suffering from ED is never easy for partners; and striking a balance between placing a lot of importance on the issue and encouraging discussion can be delicate.
In some cases, impotency is an indication of the state of a relationship. If this is the case, couples should consider therapy. Effective tackling of impotence requires getting to the root of the problem. If you are suffering from Impotency call Moorgate Aesthetics on 03300 244 858

Monday 19 October 2015

How to tell your partner you want Penis enlargement surgery

There is one question that crops up every time, no matter what the penis size. The question is how to tell the partner that they want to go ahead with penis enlargement surgery.

tell your partner you want Penis enlargement surgery
How to tell your partner you want Penis enlargement surgery

In our clinic we see a lot of guys who want to enlarge their penis. Some have a perfectly normal size penis to start with, others have what could only be described as a tiny penis.

It may be surprising but many men come for consultation and they have yet to mention anything to their partner. They have not even discussed their issues of a small penis with them. This is usually because they cannot face bringing up the subject at all.
So, the first port of call is a penis enlargement clinic. When the consultation with the surgeon has been done and the Patient is fired up to have the surgery, the dreaded question still remains “ How am I going to tell her ?”
Believe it or not, we have Patients who decide that they are not going to tell their partner at all until after the surgery. Personally, I think this is a very risky strategy. After all, it’s not something you are going to be able to hide for too long. For a start, you cannot have sexual intercourse for six weeks and that may be tough to keep under wraps for that long.
A frank conversation has to be on the menu, Ideally, no later than just after the consultation with the surgeon. Any later and you could find yourself with some serious explaining to do.
It’s not just single men that have penis enlargement surgery, we see lots of married men too. Thank fully in most cases the partner is very supportive of their decision to go ahead with surgery, but not always. There are cases where the Partner insists that there is nothing wrong about the penis size and others are positively angry at the mere thought of their loved one wanting to make it bigger. This perhaps stems from a position of mistrust. “ why would he want to make it bigger if I am not complaining? “
The truth of course is that in most cases the man has had a hang up about his penis size way before they found their life partner. Even after blissful marriage the problem does not go away. Even guys need a self confidence boost now and then. And that’s what this is all about. Almost all men who come for penis enlargement surgery do so to boost their self confidence. In many cases the decision to have surgery is not entirely sexually driven.
For example, some say that it’s the changing room syndrome where their mates are walking around clearly packing much more than they are. In these cases men avoid socialising for fear of ridicule.
Even worse perhaps is a throw away comment from a previous sexual partner that they are on the small side. Be careful ladies because if you make this comment , even in jest, it will stick in his mind for a very long time.
Guys who are thinking of having penis enlargement surgery should discuss it with their partner well ahead of the surgery date. From our experience on the whole they will get a sympathetic ear. As for the single guy, well that’s another story.

Thursday 25 June 2015

How to thicken your penis without surgery

If you are worried that your penis doesn’t measure up, you probably looking at ways to make it bigger, or at least look bigger.

It is possible to get a bigger penis without having to resort to the Surgeon’s knife.

Watch our quick video!
Firstly, your penis can look longer if you trim back the pubic hair. A dense unruly thatch can mean the penis gets buried under all of the foliage, and as a result it looks significantly shorter than it actually is. If you are really brave you can take a razor to it and shave everything away. This should certainly help matters, but be careful with that razor !
If it’s a thicker looking penis you are researching then you may want to consider hyaluronic injections. These can instantly plump up the penis and without the need for any surgery. A thicker formulation of hyaluronic acid is used to help ensure the results last. Sometimes a topical anaesthetic is used first to make the treatment a bit more comfortable. Then up to eight syringes of filler are injected. Typically, it can produce around a half to one inch increase in thickness, which makes quite a difference on a typical penis.
How to thicken Penis
How to thicken Penis
After the treatment the Surgeon may suggest that you massage the area to help smooth out the filler. One advantage of filler over surgery is that you can resume sexual activities after 48 hours. With surgical fat transfer it’s as long as four to six weeks.
The catch with dermal filler treatment is that over time the hyaluronic acid will begin to break down and typically somewhere between six and twelve months you will need a top up treatment to maintain the gains. However, because you are likely to have some dermal filler already remaining, the top treatments will require fewer syringes and therefore cost less than the first treatment.
Many men like the idea of thickening their penis with dermal filler because it does not interfere with their usual routine. With surgical fat transfer Patients have to take around one week off work whereas the filler means they can return to work immediately.
If you are unsure which procedure to go for, dermal filler or fat transfer, once option could be to try the dermal filler and see what you think afterwards. If you like the filler and it suits your lifestyle then you can continue. If however you decide that you want something more longer lasting, you could switch to a fat transfer procedure.
For many men it’s the fact that they don’t have a choice. This is because they don’t have enough body fat to do the surgical fat transfer. For them, the dermal filler is the only option. If you are a keen fitness fanatic then you will need a consultation to establish if you do have enough fat for a transfer.
One question that we are often asked is “ will my partner notice ?”
The answer is yes if your partner is a long-standing one , but new partners are unlikely to notice anything.
For more information about how to thicken the penis without surgery give us a call on01302 246 130. We provide free informal consultations to enable you to get all the information and options about penis enlargement. Contact Us now and speak to one of our male advisors or email

Instant Penis enlargement