Friday 19 September 2014

Causes of Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, from poor nutrition to hormonal imbalances and stress. Whether it is thinning hair or baldness, hair loss treatment is to identify the causes of this situation and subsequently administering appropriate treatment.

Sometimes hair loss occurs because of an illness that involves the hair itself, such as alopecia which causes permanent hair loss.
What the Causes of hair loss in men
It is normal to lose of up to 100 hair shafts per day; otherwise there is a risk that the patient was suffering from a disease of the hair, a hormonal imbalance, ovarian cyst, syphilis and other diseases that can cause excessive hair loss. So the hair to fall after each combing is not necessarily a sign of concern.

Conditions that lead to hair loss

1. Diseases of the thyroid Whether it’s Hypo thyroid gland condition calledhypothyroidism, or about overactive thyroid, a condition called hyperthyroidism, the consequences are the same – hair loss due to hormonal imbalance. Hormones help regulate body functions, including hair growth.
2. Hormonal Disorders Changes and hormonal disorders cause temporary hair loss; they can be caused by pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage (abortion), taking birth control pills, menopause and thyroid disease. The body needs at least three months to get used to the new hormonal regulation for the hormonal imbalance causes hair loss, variations in body mass, stress, fatigue, acne, etc.
3. Different types of alopecia Alopecia is the medical term that defines hair loss. There are two types of alopecia: – Alopecia areata; – Androgenetic alopecia (baldness);
Alopecia can cause both hair loss from the scalp, but also on other parts of the body. This can lead to thinning hair, baldness or partial, permanent or temporary.
4. Physical injuries – a shock to the follicles When the body is subjected to physical trauma natural cycle of hair growth can be disrupted, leading to hair loss. Any shock the body – car accidents, surgery, burns, any condition – is a shock and hair follicles, resulting in hair loss on 75% of the scalp in a few months.
5. Emotional stress Physical or mental stress disrupts the normal cycle of hair growth; This occurs 2-3 months after the event unpleasant event when hair follicles enter the telogen phase prematurely, leading to stopping hair growth. Controlling stress factors restores normal hair growth.
6. Trichotillomania Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder characterized by an obsessive desire of patients to be tearing their hair from the head, eyebrows and other body areas. Hair pulling can lead to uneven spots on the affected area. The causes of this disease are not known.
7. Iron Deficiency A small amount of iron in the body leads to hair loss. This problem occurs especially among women.
8. Infection Infections causing fever (herpes simplex), fungal skin infections (impetigo), bacterial infections (syphilis) are responsible for hair loss or thinning hair. Treating the infection leads to resumption of normal cycle of hair growth and prevents hair loss in the future.
9. Autoimmune Diseases Alopecia areata is often associated with the existence of an autoimmune disease, in this case it is believed that various forms of hair loss are caused by one of the autoimmune diseases. Diabetes and lupus are two autoimmune diseases that cause hair loss.
10. Skin Diseases A number of inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis can cause hair loss.

Other causes of hair loss

1. Age Because of hormonal disorders and weakening the immune system, age is one of the causes that lead to hair loss. Often hair loss is reversible if given treatments to treat hair loss and hormonal dysregulation. According to statistics, 40% of men experience hair loss or excessive baldness after the age of 40.
2. Genetics Baldness can be inherited from a parent. Alopecia caused by genetics is often irreversible.
3. Environmental Factors Environmental factors, such as caustic substances, X-rays and pollutants can lead to the appearance of baldness. If the hair follicles are not destroyed in totality, baldness caused by these factors is reversible.
4. Poor nutrition Vitamins and essential nutrients such as proteins, assimilated by the body of a healthy diet, varied and balanced ensure general good health through proper functioning of all systems and organs. Poor diet and restricted diet leads to nutritional deficiencies, which in turn causes hair thinning and fall of. The same effects are felt and eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, etc.).
5. Hair Care Products Frequent use of shampoos or hair dryer, a curling iron, hair straightener plate, certain hairstyles, such as hair raising “ponytail” causes hair loss due to friction strong hair. Requires regeneration hair regrowth hair follicles!
6. Medicines There are many medications that have hair loss as a side effect; for this reason it is recommended that treatment be prescribed by physicians specializing.
In the following we present a number of medications that cause hair loss:
  • - Isotretinoin and other medications indicated for the treatment of acne;
  • - Lipid lowering agents (clofibrate, bezafibrate);
  • - Warfarin and other anticoagulants;
  • - ACE inhibitors for hypertension and heart failure (captopril, enalapril);
  • - Calcium antagonists used to regulate blood pressure (amlodipine);
  • - Medicines for gout (allopurinol);
  • - Antimalarial drugs (chloroquine);
  • - Medications for Parkinson’s disease (pramipexole, bromocriptine);
  • - Medications for depression (lithium, valproic acid);
  • - Some chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer;
  • - Medicines for epilepsy (valproate, vigabatrin);
These are the main causes that lead to hair loss in men. If you are losing excessive hair everyday and you present the risk of baldness, then you may want to resort to hair transplant UK.

How to Reduce Stress Related to Your Penis Size

Physical desire and sexual pleasure are both natural instincts of men as well as women. However, modern lives are fast-paced and leave most men stressed and irritable. Thus, there are many men who find it difficult to enjoy sex to maximum extent. Moreover, a man may also be anxious about his penis size.

Reduce Stress Related to Your Penis Size
Fortunately, there are some effective tips for penis enlargement UK. But before you can use these measures, including enlargement pumps, devices and pills, it’s important to get rid of your anxiety.

Understanding the Problem

First of all, you need to have an understanding of the psychological basis for good sex. Once you have understood psychology related to sexual pleasure, you will be able to begin your journey towards performance and passion. This way, you won’t be focusing on your penis size.
Secondly, you need to understand that sex and health are entwined. Once you accept this basic fact, you will be willing to make positive changes to your lifestyle. A majority of men can easily overcome anxiety related to sexual performance and penis size by improving their general health.
In the next section, we will talk about overcoming your anxiety problems naturally. However you also need to understand that consulting a doctor is essential if you feel that medical conditions may be the cause of your anxiety. For penis enlargement UK, you can choose from many devices and medicines. However, you should consult a doctor before choosing a course of action.
Sufficient Rest - In order to avoid anxiety related to your penis size, you need to give proper rest to your body. You can easily learn to avoid stressful situations if you give proper rest to your body. It’s also necessary to get some good sleep to improve your sexual performance. When you’re performing well, and you can see that in your partner, you won’t worry too much about the size. If you don’t sleep properly, you will be lethargic and tired. This will affect your sexual performance and desire.
Relieve Stress - Stress is the main cause of reduced sexual performance in men. You need to learn different relaxation exercises and techniques. Avoiding and relieving stress will help you overcome sexual problems. For greater sexual prowess, you need to relax. You can use meditation techniques and yoga to make sure you’re stress free throughout the day.
Exercise Regularly - Regular exercise improves sexual performance. It also enhances your sexual desire. You can perform some muscle strengthening and cardiovascular exercises to improve blood flow to your penis and boost testosterone levels. Eventually, your sexual stamina will also be increased. This will also have a major impact on the size of your penis.
Healthy Diet - A healthy diet can easily help you overcome unnecessary anxiety and stress. You should eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Lean meat and dairy products will also be a good choice. Bananas, garlic and avocados are rich in vitamins and minerals. They can enhance your sexual desire and performance.
happy man penis length
Be Happy & Reduce your worries
These were only some of the ways to overcome anxiety related to penis size. These days, you can choose from many different products for penis enlargement UK. Most of these products are easily available online. While some need to be taken orally, others need to be applied. There are also devices to increase your penis size and give you harder erections. If your anxieties persist try speaking to our plastic surgeon on Penis enlargement surgery for help and advice

Why Am I Going Bald At Just age 19 ?

Hair loss has quickly become one of the most common problems for residents in the United Kingdom. If you’re young, and notice hair loss, it’s important to consult a doctor, and take a quick action. You shouldn’t wait until the problem worsens.

Going Bald At Just 19
Going Bald At Just age 19
Fortunately, there are many remedies to make sure your scalp has thick and dense hair. Before we talk about hair transplant surgery to help you out, let’s give some information about the reasons why you might experience hair loss.

Causes of Hair Loss

There are times when hair loss isn’t directly related to some systemic or internal disease. In fact, it may also be caused by a poor diet regime. Family history may also have a major impact on thinning of your hair. The same is true for aging process and predetermined genetic factors.
According to experts, hair loss may even be caused by normal life variations, such as dietary or nutritional changes, hormonal changes, severe anxiety or stress, illness, menopause, pregnancy or puberty.
There are many different health conditions that can have a huge impact on the condition and density of your hair. Thyroid and anemia are the most prominent ones. However, hair loss can be easily reserved with the right kind of products, and some surgical procedures. According to experts, hair transplant surgery is the best choice.

Surgical Intervention for Hair Loss

Hair transplant surgery is the most common option for treating early-age baldness in men. These days, surgeries are inexpensive and don’t cause any complications. They don’t have any side effects, and the recovery period is also shorter. Some of the most common procedures include :
Hair Transplants - In this procedure, the surgeon takes small hair plugs from the back of your hair or side of your scalp. The hair taken from these areas are carefully transplanted onto your bald patches. In the last few years, this procedure has significantly improved. However, it can still take months before you notice any positive results. But when you see results, they will be permanent. This service is carried out at Moorgate Aesthetics
Tissue Expansion - When it comes to tissue expansion, tiny balloons are carefully inserted underneath your scalp. These balloons are properly inserted between areas on the scalp with dense hair. In a few months, the balloon inflate. The area increases in size, and it’s surgically removed. In the end, sides of the scalp with hair are carefully on top of your head. read more…
Scalp Reduction - This procedure involves the removal of loose skin on the scalp. Once again, hair on the sides of the scalp are pulled up. In some cases, the skin on the forehead may also be properly lifted. This may lead to reduced wrinkles. read more..
In the modern age, you can choose from many different hair loss treatments. However, most experts consider FUE or FUT hair transplant surgery to be the best choice. According to studies and research, it’s the best solution for hair loss.

Why Do Men Worry about Penis Size ?

he significance behind worrying about one’s genital organs isn’t something to be alarmed about because it is regarded as an individual’s basic ability to stimulate and reproduce efficiently.
This topic might be spoken about in whispers or jokes but is often discussed in psychology by professionals. Unlike other medical aspects like a hair transplant surgery or diabetes,penis size is a matter of grave concern for men. Does size matter? Does it foretell a man’s ability to accomplish sexual pleasure and equally fulfill all necessities in bed? A lot of men hang their insecurities into something that lies hidden inside their pants for almost the entire day. But when a psychiatrist defines this, the answer is simple: it’s all in the mind!
why do men worry about penis size ?
why do men worry about penis size ?

What to Worry About?

As is often noticed, if you watch a group of men sitting with their wives or girlfriends at a bar, there will be an odd one out who will face severe anxiety issues because of an unhappy manhood. This situation can also arise if the man cannot pleasure his woman in bed or is facing severe erectile dysfunctions. Social anxiety is critically the reason why men worry about penis size especially since they have an inbound instinct to be dominant and long lasting in bed. If a man is suffering from a sad break up from a relationship which ended because their love and sex lives wasn’t ‘good enough’, this can often be another cause of worry.
The small penis syndrome is basically a myth because as research speculates, men face no trouble communicating with their bed partner irrespective of their size. However there are 60% males out of this lot who face the pressure of not being ‘big enough’ to satisfy their better half. Such a sexual strain can be harmful to one’s relationship and can affect a man’s mental stability thus leading to anxiety. So there is a generation of men who worry about their penis size, a result of which they become health freaks or join a fitness club. More dangerous cases have been reported where men consume supplements or penis enlargement pills to enhance the growth of their genitals.
This compulsive rumination of continuously analyzing the size of the penis can arise from many situations. British urologists, Wylie and Ian Eardley reported that people who face eating disorders might be insecure about their genital size. Most men feel that women are attracted to well endowed men, which again is a sad hoax. Men want to have a bigger penis not just for better coitus but for an overall healthier physique. In the process of body building, men don’t just look towards increasing their muscles, but also the size of the penis. This obsession about how the body looks is an inferiority complex that needs to be diminished.


Self defeat, low confidence and disregard of logical sense can consume a man to go to any limits just to gain public approval. If you want to attain the privileges of being a male, then don’t give in to cheap attempts just to improve your body assets, speak to one of our surgeons and have our Penis enlargement specialist see if you really need to have surgery or if you are maybe suffering from small penis syndrome. Being proud of one’s body and looks is the most confident means of moving on with life.